Yu Li (李煜)
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
The CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) (by courtesy)
Email: liyuATcse.cuhk.edu.hk, liyu4017ATgmail.com [For reference letter requesting] (To be sustainable, I am trying to force myself not to reply to emails other than 9am to 6pm, Mon to Fri)
[Research summary in one slide] 
[Google Scholar]  
[Group GitHub]  
[ORCID: 0000-0002-3664-6722]
Opening: Intern, PhD/Mphil students (Students with non-CS majors are very welcomed), Postdoc (HKD 540K per year).
Recent news
- Nov 2024, thanks to Nature Biotechnology and Nature Methods for highlighting our works! DHR is featured by Research Briefing in Nature Biotechnology and Research Highlights in Nature Methods. RhoFold+ is featured by Research Briefing in Nature Methods.
- Nov 2024, RhoFold+ & RNA-FM is published in Nature Methods. And RhoDesign is published in Nature Computational Science. They can perform RNA 3D structure modeling and reverse design. Congratulations to all the collaborators!
- Aug 2024, DHR is published in Nature Biotechnology. Congratulations to all the collaborators! Of note, initially, Liang did the project as his undergraduate final year project in our group. With our joint efforts and overcoming lots of obstacles, we eventually made it to Nature Biotechnology. It was also sent out for peer review in Nature during the process. Tons of stories behind this work.
- Summer 2024, invited to visit Prof. James Collins group at MIT as a Visiting Assistant Professor, Wyss Institute at Harvard as a Visiting Scholar, and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard as an Associated Scientist.
- Jun 2024, humble to receive the Department Exemplary Teaching Awards-2024, CSE, CUHK. Congratulate Yimin Fan, a Ph.D. student in our group, for obtaining the ECCB-24 student travel fellowship.
[Past news]
Short Bio
Yu joined the CSE department at CUHK in December 2020 as an assistant professor, leading the Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AIH) group. He was selected to the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list – Class of 2022, Healthcare & Science.
He obtained Ph.D. in Computer Science from KAUST in October 2020 (KAUST news), and Master degree in Computer Science from KAUST in December 2016.
He got Bachelor degree (honored) in Biosciences from the BEI Shizhang Elite Class at USTC in 2015.
He was born on April 1st, 1995 in China. [Quick facts about him]
Research interests
I am working at the intersection between machine learning, healthcare and bioinformatics, developing new machine learning methods to resolve the computational problems in biology and healthcare, especially the structured learning problems.
My long-term goal is to improve the healthcare system, benefiting society directly by improving people's health and wellness.
[All publications]
[Selected publications]
[Research summary in one slide]
[Ph.D. thesis, Defense slides]
[Job talk: bilibili, YouTube]
Recent experiences
Summer, 2024: Visiting Assistant Professor at MIT, Boston, USA
Advisor: James Collins
Summer, 2023: Visiting Assistant Professor at MIT, Boston, USA
Advisor: James Collins
Academic services [Full list]
- Reviewer for Nature Methods, Nature Computational Science, Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research, Bioinformatics et al.
- Serve as PC member periodically for ICLR, NeurIPS, AAAI, et al.
Selected recent awards [Full list]
- Asia-Pacific Leaders Under 30, 2024
- Department Exemplary Teaching Awards, 2024, CSE, CUHK
- Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list – Class of 2022
- KAUST Alumni Change Makers Awards, 2022, KAUST
- Certificate of Honor Rank (5% out of all graduates in 2015 at USTC), 2015, USTC